Photo: Skateisan
365°Art - Foundation for Culture and Society
Our organisation was funded in 2013 with the aim to contribute artists to live their dreams - to find all the suitable tools to make plans happen right there, right that time. We have great experience in financial management, communication, general management and researches. We can't think in clichés, we always invented new methods, unique ways to reach the goals.
After working with more then 50 organisations and being involved in 150 international projects we faced the necessity to reform our process of working and become committed to the most precious dimension of art: the power of changing lives.
With 365°Art (former Civil Art Market) our most important mission is to share the knowledge and invest in digital innovation: we use classical platforms, but in very unconventional ways. We show up that the creative sector is one of the most exciting market - with great sources and products. We promote, we support, we connect, we manage. We'll help the creators to find partners, best practices, new colleagues, databases, inspiration.
The foundation's mission is the support of all kind of community art actions:
- the advocacy, promotion and support of community art creations without genre restrictions (fine arts, music, literature, new media etc.);
- the research of best practices, methodologies;
- support and dissemination of related community development methodologies in the field of anthropology, sociology and psychology, also in the field of public education - with a special focus on the transformation of local- and micro-communities;
Considering the role of digital platforms in ensuring an increasing flow of communication and information, our aim is to encourage the upgrading of traditional cultural activities to digital platforms and to encourage experimental, research and educational activities for innovation in [digital] cultural community development.